Phillip E. Walker Acting Retrospective Series
Reporting on three new products
A Quarterly Short Film Screening Event
Shorts Marketing Campaigns
Following six years of intensive study and practice, during the Pandemic's first year, the Walker Entertainer Academy Entertainment and Media Public Relations Agency truly mastered successful online film festival submitting.
As of January 2022, WEA has successfully marketed some 20 different short films or videos into more than 400 film events located in 75+ countries on 6 continents and 42+ United States plus gaining distribution offers for them coupled with more than 300 Awards including over $3,700.00 in cash prizes
Walker Entertainer Academy (WEA) is primed to get your film AWARDED and more!
$500.00 Service Fee Per Six Month Marketing Period
After supplying to WEA your film's: Digital File, Poster & Banner, Facebook Page, Photos plus the first half installment of the above Service Fee, your film's marketing campaign is GUARANTEED to result, at the least, in the below:
Domain Name (1 year)
YouTube under 30 seconds Commercial
Logo kept up to date with Accolades
Website publishing with weekly updates
IMDb page publishing with Weekly updates
Weekly Facebook posts
Weekly WFCN Platform updates
Monthly FilmFreeway Platform updates
Monthly Press Release new issuing
Press kit creation
& distribution
IINCLUDES: Film's Synopsis, Director's Bio & Statement, Project Description, Self Review, Press Releases, Poster with Review Quote(s), Laurel Sheet, Photos, Links to Article(s) & Video(s), Social Media Links & Hashtags, Cast & Crew Mini Bios PLUS Replies to Film Festival & Media Information Requests!
Marketing Success Media Release
33rd Amendment
WORLD PREMIERE music video
35 Awards out of 43 Nominations from 32 film festival Selections in 14 Countries on 5 Continents including 15 Major Cities plus IEF Distribution
Dancing With Maleeah
University of Southern California Freshman Student Film
Although the Work is still in Development, WEA is proud to have this short as its newest client, for whom we secured the above Best Screenplay Award within days of Phillip E. Walker being cast in a supporting role. Strengthening its IMDb Rating by 2 million points in a week, WEA also secured Awards for DM from 3 Continents during its first week of marketing. Watch for an amazing amount of additional success herein, while the Production is still being completed.
Pandemic Prospering Part 1
web series pilot
14 Awards from 20 Nominations among 37 festival Selections in 13 Major Cities of 11 Countries on 5 Continents plus Spondulics Distribution